Monday, May 07, 2007

Keller Lectures on Preaching

Last year Tim Keller delivered a series of lectures on preaching at Gordon-Conwell on the topic of Preaching to the Heart. Here are the sessions:
  1. Preaching to the Heart without being Legalistic
  2. Preaching to the Heart without being Piestic
  3. Unintentional Preaching Models
  4. Reading, Preparation, Conversation, and Preaching
  5. Preaching to “Emerging” Culture
  6. Preaching to the Heart without being Individualistic

These can be ordered from the Ockenga Institute. It also includes a CD with the PDF files as well. [At the time of this posting, the site seems to be down. So check back later.]

(HT: Theocentric Preaching, via Unashamed Workman)