Brian Borgman is the founding pastor of Grace Community Church in Minden, Nevada. A few years ago he preached a unique sermon series on what the Bible says about the emotions. I’ve heard great things about this series. For example, Bruce Ware, professor of Christian theology at Southern Seminary, recently wrote: “I love listening to God's word expounded by Pastor Brian Borgman. Brian studies hard, he has much God-given insight, and the articulation and delivery of his messages is both instructive and moving. His sermon series on our emotional life is enormously helpful and wise. I recommend these messages to both men and women alike, and I look forward to the book that will come from this series.”
Click on the link above for the audio of these sermons (as well as an interview with Borgman).
Here is an outline of the series:
Biblical foundations (3 parts)
Sanctification and our emotions (3 parts)
Mortifying ungodly emotions (3 sermons)
- Anger
- Fear, anxiety, and worry
- Depression
Cultivating godly emotions (11 sermons)
- Jesus, our Father
- The devotion and delight of Jesus
- The compassion of Jesus
- The love of Jesus
- The symmetry of Jesus
- Renewing our minds
- The emotions and worship
- The emotions and preaching (2 parts)
- The Word, prayer, and our emotions
- Reading, meditation, and the emotions