First, no “solitary media” on school days. If we watch a movie Monday through Friday, we are trying to make sure it is a family experience. . . .Read the whole thing.Second, no earbuds with people (planes are an exception). When we are with people (especially folks we love), then we should talk with them. . . . [Note from JT: the other day I saw a dad and his son eating lunch together in Chipotle--both wearing baseball uniforms, it looked picturesque--except that they weren't talking, since the young boy was listening to his iPod with earbuds in!]
Third, (and this is a hard one for me) with rare exceptions email needs to be checked twice a day and not more often. My phone should stay off or not be answered when in meetings with other people. . . .
Fourth, my Google reader is fine for the “news reading” time in the morning, but does not need to be checked again for the day.
Fifth, my extended reading free time (longer articles or books) should equal my “quick read” or video time. . . .
HT: Challies