Post by Collin Hansen
The Good News newspaper in South Florida reports about the Florida Outpouring, a healing revival led by Canadian evangelist Todd Bentley. As with other such events, however, some Christian leaders are doubting this revival's validity and biblical warrant. A closer look at the event reveals a number of causes for concern.
“We increase our scrutiny of people like Hugh Hefner, and we decrease our evaluation of people like Todd Bentley just because he comes in the name of Jesus,” Tullian Tchividjian told The Good News. “Hugh Hefner is not nearly as dangerous to the church as someone like this.”
“I would pay much more attention to those people who have stood the test of time. I would pay very little attention to anyone who comes and says, ‘God told me something that he’s never told anyone else, and you can’t find it in the Bible.’ It’s a lie, it’s that simple.”