Saturday, February 26, 2005

Yet Another Audio Resource: The Great Debate between Dr. Bahnsen and Dr. Stein

One of the most enjoyable debates between an atheist and a Christian I have ever heard can be listen to through the Reformation Ink website. Follow this link, and search on 'Bahnsen' to find The Great Debate. If you haven't listen to this, you will love it!

Bahnsen does a masterful job of showing how all people, even atheists, believe in God at some level of their being (Cf. Romans 1:19, 21). If one masters Bahnsen's (and Van Til's) transcendental argument for the existence of God, he will have a sound, Biblical way to "refute those who contradict" (Titus 1:9).

If you like the debate, be sure to read Bahnsen's Van Til's Apologetic: Readings and Analysis and Always Ready. These are both wonderful books to read and digest.