Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Blog for Books: CJ Mahaney's Humility Book

Sovereign Grace Ministries is offering a free copy of C.J. Mahaney's Humility: True Greatness to the first 50 bloggers who agree to review the book:

If you are a blogger, we'd like to invite you to participate in our blogs-for-books effort. To obtain a PDF file of this book to review, please email us. When you've reviewed the book and posted it on your blog, send a link with your mailing address back to us to receive a free copy of the book when it is published. This is open to the first 50 bloggers who respond.

I was able to read a pre-pub version of it, and can testify that it is a superb book.

Multnomah has posted a sample chapter. Yesterday Tim Challies posted a preview of the book. He writes:

Humility: True Greatness is a truly great book. I do not know of a person who shows no pride in his life, and thus I do not know of a person who would not benefit from reading it. I highly and unreservedly recommend this book. I pray that it will be widely-read, that humility may be widely-practiced.

[Link to the email address has now been fixed.]