Thursday, December 29, 2005

David Wells @ Reformation 21

The latest Reformation 21 is largely devoted to David Wells' thought and writings.

Roundtable Discussion: The Wells Quadrilogy, with Ligon Duncan, Philip Ryken, and Carl Trueman.

David Wells: An Appreciation from the Land of Braveheart, by David C. Meredith

Above All Earthly Pow'rs, Reviewed by Ligon Duncan

An audio interview with Wells will be forthcoming.

Here is a quote from Duncan's review that expresses the importance of Wells' thinking and writing:

Let me pause here and, at the serious risk of being charged with sycophancy, say that David F. Wells is one of the most eminent theologians in the English-speaking world today. His combination of theological brilliance and acute cultural analysis is rare, even at the highest levels of his profession. The circle of friends into whom the Lord has providentially placed Professor Wells constitutes a Who's Who of great evangelical leaders, preachers, thinkers, theologians and historians over the last half-century. A quick glance at the preface of the fourth volume of his decade-long reflection on evangelical theology and American culture will indicate Dr. Wells’ extensive fellowship with, for instance, John Stott, J.I. Packer, Carl F.H. Henry, Francis Schaeffer, Martin Lloyd-Jones, Os Guinness, George Marsden and Mark Noll. This has both prepared him to play the role of Jeremiah to the 21st century Protestant church in the West, and placed him in a uniquely strategic place for the observation and analysis of evangelicalism.

See the full table of contents for the whole Ref21 issue, including stuff not related to Wells.