Monday, April 11, 2005

John Owen

My historical hero is John Owen (1616-1683), widely considered to be the greatest English theologian of all time, and the "Prince of the Puritans" (as Spurgeon called him). I am currently working with my friend Josh of the blog Fire and Knowledge to put together a website entirely devoted to Owen's life and thought.

Here are some quotes to encourage you to consider reading some of Owen's writings:

He is by common consent not the most versatile,

but the greatest among Puritan theologians.

For solidity, profundity, massiveness and majesty

in exhibiting from Scripture God’s ways with sinful mankind

there is no one to touch him.

J. I. Packer

John Owen’s treatises on Indwelling Sin in Believers and The Mortification of Sin are, in my opinion, the most helpful writings on personal holiness ever written.

—Jerry Bridges

I owe more to John Owen than to any other theologian, ancient or modern, and I owe more to this little book [The Mortification of Sin] than to anything else he wrote.

—J.I. Packer

To read John Owen is to enter a rare world.

Whenever I return to one of his works I find myself asking,

“Why do I spend time reading lesser literature?”

Sinclair B. Ferguson

He requires hard study;

and none of us ought to grudge it.

Charles H. Spurgeon

I assert unhesitatingly that the man who wants to study experimental theology

will find no books equal to those of Owen

for complete scriptural and exhaustive treatment of the subjects they handle.

If you wish to study thoroughly the doctrine of sanctification

I make no apology for strongly recommending Owen on the Holy Spirit.

J. C. Ryle

He is hardly known today,

and we are the poorer for our ignorance.

Charles H. Spurgeon

I’ll let you know when the site is up and running. In the meantime, here are reflections on Owen's life and thought by John Piper.