According to Fred Barnes, "Thomas Sowell is America's foremost public intellectual." Stephan and Abigail Thernstrom call him "a national treasure, America's most perceptive, productive, and thoughtful commentator on racial and ethnic issues." A few days ago his new book, Black Rednecks and White Liberals--which summarizes "the conclusions of more than a quarter of century of [his] research on racial and cultural issues"--was published. Apparently preorders were so high that the book is already on backorder. Fortunately, I found a copy tonight at a local Borders.
I'm only 20 pages into it, but so far I am finding it to be an eye-opening, paradigm-shifting work.
Sowell has summarized some of his conclusions in today's synidcated column and in an editorial a few days ago for the Wall Street Journal.
If you're interested in the issue of race, this is one book you won't want to miss.