WTS Books is carrying some new products from him, so I thought I'd highlight them below. The first is a new book (from Shepherds Press), followed by some DVDs/CDs. Below are the publisher descriptions, some free sample stuff, YouTube intros, etc.
Broken Down House: Living Productively in a World Gone BadRead the introduction free online.
Picture a broken down house. We've all seen them sagging and dilapidated dwellings that look as if they are in physical pain. You wonder what the house once looked like, who lived in it, and how it got into such a miserable condition. Some of us look at this kind of house and are simply overwhelmed. We quickly move on, not for a moment considering the possibility of restoration. Others of us immediately see potential. We can't wait to get our hands on the mess and restore it to its former beauty. Sin has ravaged the beautiful house that God created. It sits in slumped and disheveled pain, groaning for the restoration that can only be accomplished by the hands of him who built it in the first place. The good news is that the divine Builder will not relent until everything about his house is made totally new again. The bad news is that you and I are living right in the middle of the restoration process. We live each day in a house that is terribly broken, where nothing works exactly as intended. But Emmanuel lives here as well, and he is at work returning his house to its former beauty.
Often it doesn't look like any real restoration is going on at all. Things seem to get messier, uglier, and less functional all the time. But that s the way it is with restoration; things generally get worse before they get better. Someday you will live forever in a fully restored house. But right now you are called to live with peace, joy, and productivity in a place that has been sadly damaged by sin. How can you live above the damage? Even better, how can you be an active part of the restoration that is at the heart of God's plan of redemption? That is what Broken Down House is all about.
Your Walk with God is a Community Project (Audio CD)
A live conference recorded on 5 CDs in a deluxe case. Each CD is approx. 50 minutes in length. Have you ever wondered why some Christians grow and some don't? Have you ever been discouraged or confused in your own relationship with God? Have you ever wondered if other people go through the things you go through as a Christian? Have you ever longed for someone who you could share your personal struggles and questions of faith with? If someone asked you what the key to personal growth and change was what would you say it is? Could it be that you're a Christian but you’re missing an essential piece of the life God called you to. Real satisfaction of heart, real growth and change, real effectiveness and purpose is possible!
When most Christians think about growing in their faith, they sometimes leave out one of the most important means that God has provided; our friendships! God unites us to Christ but also places us within a community of faith where we influence one another in profound ways. This conference addresses the most fundamental issues that will help you and others grow in grace: wisdom forgiveness, servant-hood, communication, and conflict. These lifestyle character qualities are essential if marriages, friendships, and churches are going to thrive. Community is counter-intuitive to Western culture, but mandatory to a life of faith. Learn how God has designed for us to growth and change when we are living in biblical community.This live conference recorded on 5 CDs is ideal for individual growth, small group leadership training, or church-wide training.
How to Be Good and Angry (DVD, also available in audio CD)
Free discussion guide available online in PDF.
What is anger? We all experience it. It seems so natural. It eats at us and shows itself in so many different ways: coldness, sarcasm, yelling, rage, self-injury, disrespect, abuse, and silence...Do we have to just manage our anger, keeping a tight lid on it, so it does not overflow? Yet anger is one of God's holy attributes. We as his image-bearers have the capacity for godly anger. However, since his image in us has been corrupted, we also have the capacity for resentment and hatred. We often start with what we believe is a righteous anger against injustice, but then something goes wrong: what started out as good, becomes selfish and destructive.
. . . Paul seeks to help us deal with the problems of anger, and hope as we face it. The Bible is shockingly honest about anger's cause and very encouraging about its cure.
6 - 24 minute sessions | Also Available in Audio CD format.
Your Christian School: A Culture of Grace?
Christian school teachers, administrators, teachers and staff - Is your school something more than a system of rules, offenses and punishments? What is the vision that propels the mission of your Christian school? Are you content with behavior control and the dissemination of knowledge? Are you asking the law to do what only grace can accomplish?
Rules restrain sin, rules expose sin, but rules will never deliver a child from sin. A biblical worldview tells us that what is wrong with children is something more profound than lack of information and skill. Christian education is war! - Not a war between teacher and student, student and student or administration and student. All these struggles are the fruit of a deeper struggle. This conference will help you win the deeper war for the hearts and minds of our children. It is only when your school is a functional culture of grace that real, lasting character change will take place and your classrooms will become peaceful places of learning.
Learn how to critique your school culture and how your classrooms can become a culture of grace where heart change takes place and education can thrive. Recorded live at Christian School conferences on 9 CDs.
What Did You Expect?: Redeeming the Realities of Marriage (DVD, also available in a CD set)
You can download a free Leader's Guide and a free Discussion Guide
It won't take long for you to realize that your marriage hasn't escaped the reality of sin or the brokenness of the world. It's what you do next that will make all the difference in the world in the character and quality of your marriage. The key to marital unity and love is not romance, rather, it is worship. It is only when I worship God as Creator, Sovereign, and Savior that I will ever love as I should.Have you ever wondered why some couples reach a place of unity, love, and understanding in their marriages while other couples seem trapped in the same struggles year, after year, after year? The surrounding culture would lead us to believe that a marriage of unity, love, and understanding is rooted in romance. Scripture would rather say that a good marriage is the result of worship.
Does this confuse you? Then, this marriage conference is for you. Learn how practical these insights are for the everyday issues and situations of a real marriage; and, learn the practical steps that will help couples know how to get from where they are, to where God wants them to be. The truth presented in these sessions is not always easy to hear but it is profoundly good.
10 -25 minute sessions on 3 DVDs