In addition to the talks on Calvin, there will be a couple of additional events.
On Friday evening, Sept. 25, they will preview the 80-minute documentary, Collision, which traces the debates and conversations of Douglas Wilson and Christopher Hitchens. The movie, which I've seen, is very much worth your time. You can pre-order the DVD from Amazon, and watch the first 13 minutes at the end of this post.
On Sunday evening, Sept. 27, there will be an eschatology discussion at Bethlehem College & Seminary, with John Piper moderating, Doug Wilson defending the postmillennial position, Jim Hamilton (SBTS) the premillennial view, and Sam Storms the biblical view. (Just a joke, folks.)
Here's Piper on why Calvin matters today:
And here's the beginning of the Collision film:
COLLISION - 13 min VIMEO Exclusive Sneak Peek from Collision Movie on Vimeo.