Thursday, October 06, 2005

Desiring God Conference

The Desiring God National Conference--Suffering and the Sovereignty of God--will begin tomorrow night. Tim Challies and Doug McHone will be live-blogging the conference. So check their sites this weekend if you're interested.

I know that everyone at DG and all of the speakers would deeply appreciate your prayers. Many of us have the sense that this will be a very significant conference. A number of the speakers not only have a profound theology of suffering, but are currently dealing with various kinds of pain and suffering in their own lives.

I would appreciate your prayers for Friday night. After John Piper gives the opening address, the final session of the evening will involve me interviewing him for an hour. If you had my role and had the chance to ask him anything you wanted about suffering and the sovereignty of God, what would you ask? (Obviously I can't guarantee that I'll ask him what you suggest, but I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this.)
