Friday, August 03, 2007

Grateful for Justin

My duties as a guest-blogger have come to an end. And, boy, am I glad that Justin Taylor is coming home to reclaim his blog. I've enjoyed the experience, but honestly, I miss the real Between Two Worlds blog that Justin creates for us week after week.

Trying to fill in for Justin has only increased my appreciation for what he does. The interesting, informative, theologically sound, and spiritually provoking content that he consistently points us to is a gift. Have you ever had the thought after perusing the blog, "Does Justin use the same internet as me?" Where does he find all this stuff?

What I appreciate the most is the tone of Justin's site. He cares deeply about doctrine and is committed to biblical truth, but he never comes across as a know-it-all or arrogant. He isn't spiteful toward those who disagree with him. And in the blogosphere that's not an easy thing to maintain. Lately I've been thinking and speaking and writing about the concept of humble orthodoxy. I think that phrase describes Justin. I'm grateful for his influence in my life as a friend and his influence in all our lives through his blog.

When you visit this site in the days to come, please join me in thanking God for Justin Taylor. And please pray for him and his family. He's a disciple of Christ, a husband, a dad to two beautiful kids, and a man carrying amazing responsibilities in his work on the forthcoming ESV Study Bible (which I can hardly wait to see.) Pray for God's blessing on his life and work. He truly is serving all of us through his efforts. (And if you're really feeling grateful, you can contribute to the Taylor family adoption "tip jar" listed on the sidebar.)

Last week when Justin first introduced the team of "guest bloggers" he wrote the following:
Need a tip on how to improve your blog? Take my example: find four guys wiser, smarter, and more humble than you to take your place for a while! (There's always the downside, of course, that readers get spoiled and not want you back!)
Well, Justin, that definitely didn't happen. The readers of your blog, myself included, can't wait to have you home. Some of us hope you never vacation again!

And if we're wiser and smarter than you, why did it take four of us to fill your shoes for a week? We are humble enough to realize that you can't be replaced.

Thanks, friend.