One of the difficulties in adoption is often securing the finances to do it. Adoptions are usually expensive. An average domestic adoption often costs around $15,000 and international adoptions are often $25,000.
Here are some resources to consider utilizing or donating to:
1) I learned yesterday about an ingenious way of helping families who are adopting. The ABBA Fund provides adoption financial assistance to Christian couples who are "called by God to enlarge their family through adoption, who are committed to train and educate their children in accordance with Biblical principles, and who need financial assistance in order to complete the adoption."
Such families may enter into a "covenant agreement" with The ABBA Fund, whereby they covenant to reimburse The ABBA Fund in manageable monthly payments. The wonderful thing is that they provide this financial assistance without any interest!
You can apply or donate at their site.
2) Another possible source of funding an adoption is Shaohannah's Hope, which I've mentioned on this blog before. Their average grant is about $4000. On Steven Curtis Chapman's recently completed "All Things New Tour," he raised over $2 million for adoption grants.
You can apply or donate at their site.
3) Some employers offer adoption benefits to their work-life policies. For more information on this, see the Adoption Friendly Workplace Program. As the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption explains: "By offering adoption benefits, employers can provide equity for all their employees who choose to create families – whether through birth or adoption. And with less than one-half of 1% of the employee population using these benefits in a year, the package is extremely cost effective considering the benefits the organization gets in return."
4) Consider how your church might become involved in various ways. suggests Four Basic Steps to Starting a Local Church Based Orphan's Ministry.