I think that theologians need to take advantage of the Internet and especially the blogosphere to fulfill their role of "informing the laity." Journals are an excellent way for them to stay up on current thought but it needs to trickle down into the pews.Well, just a few minutes ago the the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals launched a new e-zine: Reformation 21, which I hope will accomplish what Joe is calling for.
The Alliance is a group of confessional evangelicals: Eric Alexander, Paul Helm, Alistair Begg, C.J. Mahaney, Gerald Bray, John McArthur, Jerry Bridges, Al Mohler, Iain Campbell, Rick Phillips, D.A. Carson, John Piper, Mark Dever, Phillip Ryken, Ligon Duncan, Derek Thomas, Sinclair Ferguson, Carl Trueman, Robert Godfrey, Gene Edward Veith, John Hannah, and David Wells. Here's their description of the new venture:
Reformation 21 is an online magazine (ezine) created to serve, edify, and educate Christians by presenting an authoritative reformed perspective, while embracing various denominational positions, on a variety of relevant historic matters, current issues, and thoughtful positions that inform, inspire, and challenge Christians to think and grow biblically.
The ezine, under the editorial control of Derek Thomas, will be updated monthly, thought individual features will be updated more regularly. They have also started a blog, for which I'm pleased to be a contributor.
Later I'll provide links to the various features. I had a chance to read the whole issue this weekend, and it is excellent, edifying material.