Friday, September 02, 2005


It was about a year ago this month that I started blogging. I remember needing to give this blog a title. I looked over at my bookshelf, saw John Stott's Between Two Worlds, and thought, "That'll work." Thanks for all those who have taken time to drop me a note or made comments on the blog.

So in one year of blogging, how many times have I mentioned a music CD? By my best count, the number would be: zero. But now I'll break my silence by recommending a CD I've really come to enjoy: Hymned No. 1 by Bart Millard, the lead singer of Mercy Me.

Here's an excerpt from a CT Review:

Drop all expectations and trust me when I say that Hymned No. 1 is the best hymns album of the year, and probably one of the greatest of its kind.

...Hymned succeeds by making these church classics feel universal to the Christian heritage of all denominations and traditions, even for those of us who grew up on European hymnody and liturgy instead of Southern gospel. And that's something that easily transcends any expectations you might have of an album such as this. You may have heard it all before, but you haven't heard Hymned.