The 2004 GOP Convention:
Four Days Filled With Lies, Mischaracterizations, Distortions, And Half-Truths
For Immediate Release
Convention Day 1
Bush is Good for Hispanics.
1. Fortuno: President Bush understands that that is why he believes in empowering Hispanics through improved education, better job opportunities, affordable health care and lower taxes.
2. Fortuno: And that's why President Bush believes in empowering the American citizens of Puerto Rico so that we can fulfill our aspirations regarding our political status.
Bush Funded Homeland Security for NYC After 9/11.
3. Bloomberg: I want to thank President Bush for supporting New York City in changing the Homeland Security Funding formula and for leading the global war on terrorism.
4. Kerik: “He was there for them as he was for us right here in New York City, inspiring a nation as he stood on hallowed ground, supporting the first responders.”
Lawsuits Are Driving Up Health Care Costs & Hurting Job Growth.
5. Melissa Brown: Thousands of lawsuits are driving up health care costs.
6. Geoff Davis: “I'll fight to stop the frivolous lawsuits that drive up health care costs…”
“… and hurt jobs.”
Bush Works Across Party Lines.
7. Triplett : President Bush understands that “teamwork is critical to success. President Bush understands that.”
Bush Good for Immigrants.
8. Fernando Mateo: Over the past four years, he has welcomed immigrants to our shores and given us more hope and opportunity to care for our families
9. Fernando Mateo: “Our President has proposed reforms to our immigration laws that will match willing foreign workers with willing American employers, when no American can be found to fill the job. The program will offer legal status, as temporary workers, to millions of undocumented men and women, allowing them to come out of the shadows and escape abuse and exploitation.”
Bush Has Done A Good Job With Our Allies.
10. Senator John McCain: “My friends in the Democratic Party and I'm fortunate to call many of them my friends assure us they share the conviction that winning the war against terrorism is our government's most important obligation. I don't doubt their sincerity. They emphasize that military action alone won't protect us, that this war has many fronts: in courts, financial institutions, in the shadowy world of intelligence, and in diplomacy. They stress that America needs the help of her friends to combat an evil that threatens us all, that our alliances are as important to victory as are our armies. We agree. And, as we've been a good friend to other countries in moments of shared perils, so we have good reason to expect their solidarity with us in this struggle. That is what the President believes. And, thanks to his efforts we have received valuable assistance from many good friends around the globe, even if we have, at times, been disappointed with the reactions of some.”
11. Senator John McCain: “Our President will work with all nations willing to help us defeat this scourge that afflicts us all.”
Bush Did It Right Going to War Against Iraq.
12. Senator John McCain: “However just the cause, we should shed a tear for all that is lost when war claims its wages from us. But there is no avoiding this war. We tried that, and our reluctance cost us dearly. And while this war has many components, we can't make victory on the battlefield harder to achieve so that our diplomacy is easier to conduct.”
13. Senator John McCain: “After years of failed diplomacy and limited military pressure to restrain Saddam Hussein, President Bush made the difficult decision to liberate Iraq. Those who criticize that decision would have us believe that the choice was between a status quo that was well enough left alone and war. But there was no status quo to be left alone. “
Bush Economy is Humming Along & Creating Good Jobs.
14. Bill Manger: We revived an economy and are creating good jobs.
15. Marc Racicot: “Today, more people are working.”
16. Dennis Hastert: And we are proud of what the Republican Congress and the president have achieved together: historic tax reduction, which has helped create 1.5 million new jobs in the last year and has the economy growing again.
Republicans Are Protecting the Environment.
17. Bill Manger: “And finally, Republicans are following the inspiration of New York's own Teddy Roosevelt to ensure our natural resources are protected for generations.”
LIE: Bush Created Homeland Security Department
18. Bernard Kerik: “The President responded by creating the Department of Homeland Security, he enacted the PATRIOT Act and he has tripled our homeland security funding since 2001.”
19. Dennis Hastert: We have taken important steps to defend our people by creating a Department of Homeland Security to better coordinate our internal defense.
America Safer Under Bush.
20. Bernard Kerik: “Today, we live in a much safer world as a result of this President's strong leadership.”
21. Marc Racicot: Under President Bush, we have a safer, more hopeful America.
Bush Has Continually Supported Our Troops
22. Bernard Kerik: “It takes continued support for our troops and first responders, not votes against our military, our intelligence and law enforcement spending.”
Education Has Improved Under Bush.
23. Racicot: “Schools are focused on success, and children are learning.”
24. Hastert: And we are proud of what the Republican Congress and the president have achieved together …revolutionary education reform, which demands more accountability from schools and better results for our children;
Bush Leading the Global Fight Against Disease & Hunger.
25. Marc Racicot: We are leading the world in the fight to eradicate disease and hunger.
John Kerry “On the Wrong Side” on Taxes.
26. Dennis Hastert: He's on the wrong side of taxation.
John Kerry “On the Wrong Side of Litigation.”
27. Hastert: He's on the wrong side of litigation.
John Kerry “On the Wrong Side of Regulation”
28. Hastert: And he's on the wrong side of regulation.
Taxes, Litigation, and Regulation Lead to Job Loss.
29. Hastert: These [taxation, litigation, and regulation] are the job killers. They add costs to our products and put American workers at a disadvantage.
John Kerry Said He Would Raise Taxes on Businesses Creating Jobs.
30. Hastert: No, at his Boston tax party, John Kerry promised to increase taxes on the job creators.
John Kerry Voted For and Against the War.
31. Dennis Hastert: You know, he's voted for it, and he's voted against it.
John Kerry is Weak on the War.
32. Dennis Hastert: My friends, this is no time to pick a leader who is weak on the war
Health Savings Accounts Will Make Health Insurance More Affordable.
33. Dennis Hastert: And we are proud of what the Republican Congress and the president have achieved together …health savings accounts, which will give families more control over their health care and will make it more affordable.
Republican Convention Will Present a Positive Agenda.
34. Ed Gillespie: We will present a positive agenda for our future that will expand our Republican majority in the Senate, expand our Republican majority in the House, and expand our majority of Republican governorships.
John Kerry Has No Clear, Consistent Vision of Terrorism.
35. Rudy Guliani [sic]: President Bush sees world terrorism for the evil that it is. John Kerry has no such clear, precise and consistent vision.
Bush’s Refusal to Change His Mind Even When Facts Prove Him Wrong is Indicative of Leadership.
36. Rudy Guliani [sic]: President Bush, a leader who is willing to stick with difficult decisions even as public opinion shifts.
John Kerry Changes His Position Often on Key Issues.
37. Rudy Guliani [sic]: John Kerry, whose record in elected office suggests a man who changes his position often even on important issues.
John Kerry Voted Against Funding Troops.
38. Rudy Guliani [sic]: And then just 9 months later, he voted against an $87 billion supplemental budget to fund the war and support our troops.
John Kerry Said He Was an Anti-War Candidate, Then Pro-War.
39. Rudy Guliani [sic]: He even, at one point, declared himself an anti-war candidate. Now, he says he's pro-war.”
John Kerry’s Statement on the $87 Billion Indicates Inconsistency.
40. Rudy Guliani [sic]: My point about John Kerry being inconsistent is best described in his own words when he said, "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
John Kerry Flip-Flopped on the Security Fence.
41. Rudy Guliani [sic]: In October, 2003, he told an Arab-American Institute in Detroit that a security barrier separating Israel from the Palestinian Territories was a "barrier to peace." A few months later, he took exactly the opposite position. In an interview with the Jerusalem Post he said, "Israel's security fence is a legitimate act of self defense."
John Kerry Will Pursue an Uncertain Course in the War on Terror.
42. Rudy Guliani [sic]: The contrasts are dramatic. They involve very different views of how to deal with terrorism. President Bush will make certain that we are combatting terrorism at the source, beyond our shores, so we can reduce the risk of having to confront it in the streets of New York. John Kerry's record of inconsistent positions on combatting terrorism gives us no confidence he'll pursue such a determined course.
John Kerry Would Appease Terrorists.
43. Rudy Guliani [sic]: President Bush will not allow countries that appear to have ignored the lessons of history and failed for over thirty years to stand up to terrorists, to dissuade us from what is necessary for our defense. He will not let them set our agenda. Under President Bush, America will lead rather than follow. John Kerry's claim that certain foreign leaders who opposed our removal of Saddam Hussein prefer him, raises the risk that he would accommodate his position to their viewpoint.
Regime Change in Iraq Was Part of the War on Terror.
44. Rudy Guliani [sic]: In any plan to destroy global terrorism, removing Saddam Hussein needed to be accomplished.
Reasons for Removing Saddam Were Based on More Than Just WMDs.
45. Rudy Guliani [sic]: But the reasons for removing Saddam Hussein were based on issues even broader than just the presence of weapons of mass destruction.
Convention Day 2
Bush Lowered Health Care Costs
46. Frist: He has won some huge victories to make health care cost less and be there when you need it. [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 8/31/04]
Bush Gave Prescription Drugs [sic = to] 40 Million
47. Frist: Thanks to his leadership, over 40 million seniors and individuals with disabilities will soon have access to prescription drugs. [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 8/31/04]
Bush Gave 4 Million Seniors Discounted Prescription Drugs
48. Frist: And right now, thanks to the President's action, this Medicare prescription drug discount card is providing 4 million seniors with immediate relief from the high cost of their medicines. Remarks [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 8/31/04]
Kerry is Against Prescription Drug Card
49. Frist: Now some of our opponents don't want seniors to get this card. [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 8/31/04]
Health Care Costs the Result of Medical Malpractice
50. Frist: Another reason health care costs too much is our abused medical liability system. [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 8/31/04]
Trial Lawyers to Blame for Health Care Costs
51. Frist: The culprits are personal injury trial lawyers. [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 8/31/04]
Kerry Mischaracterized Bush’s Stem Cell Policy
52. Frist: John Kerry claims that the President has put a "sweeping ban" on stem cell research. [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 8/31/04]
Health Care More Affordable Under Bush
53. Frist: My friends, I'm so proud of our President's record. He's making health care more affordable, more accessible. [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 8/31/04]
Kerry’s Health Care Plan to Cost $1 Trillion
54. Frist: We have a choice. John Kerry's trillion dollar government-run plan will place your health in the hands of others faraway. [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 8/31/04]
Bush Devoted Resources to Education
55. Paige: President Bush saw this two-tiered system as unacceptable! He proposed a plan High standards; measurable goals; real consequences and resources to get the job done. [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 8/31/04]
Schools Getting Assistance Under Bush
56. Paige: States, not Washington, set the standards. Schools that need assistance get assistance. [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 8/31/04]
Bush Increased the Pell Grant
57. Paige: President Bush also increased Pell Grants funding so one million more young adults can afford college. [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 8/31/04]
Kerry Flip-Flopped on No Child Left Behind
58. Paige: Our opponents voted for No Child Left Behind. They praised it then. Now they attack it. [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 8/31/04]
Bush committed record funding for AIDS
59. Brownback: "Here at home, President Bush has committed record levels of support to fighting the disease. He has called for a new focus on abstinence education and has established a new effort to develop an AIDS vaccine. Internationally, President Bush has marshaled an army of compassion to combat this disease. His Emergency Plan for HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and TB authorized a record $15 billion, which will treat 2 million people, prevent 7 million new infections, and care for 10 million orphans and others affected by AIDS."
Immigrants Welcome in Republican Party.
60. Schwarzenegger: “To my fellow immigrants listening tonight, I want you to know how welcome you are in this party.” [GOP Convention, 8/31/04]
GOP is the Party of Fiscal Responsibility.
61. Schwarzenegger: “If you believe your family knows how to spend your money better than the government does... then you are a Republican!” [GOP Convention, 8/31/04]
Bush Inherited Recession, Faced Attack on Homeland.
62. Schwarzenegger: “America's economy is moving ahead in spite of a recession they inherited and in spite of the attack on our homeland.” [GOP Convention, 8/31/04]
Tax Relief Helped All Families.
63. Steele: “He didn't just hope for economic recovery, he turned that hope into action by returning money to the people who earned it -- American families. Today, over 111 million taxpayers are keeping more of their own money.” [GOP Convention, 8/31/04]
Kerry Doesn’t Consider the Fight Against Terrorism a “War.”
64. Steele: “He also recently said that he doesn't want to use the word ‘war’ to describe our efforts to fight terrorism. Well, I don't want to use the words ‘Commander-in-Chief’ to describe John Kerry.” [GOP Convention, 8/31/04]
Convention Day 3
Bush Inherited a Recession
65. Cheney: “As President Bush and I were sworn into office, our nation was sliding into recession…” [Cheney Remarks, 9/1/04]
Economy is Good
66. Chao: “Thanks to President Bush’s tax relief, the economy is expanding, creating more than 1.5 million new jobs in the last eleven months. Today, the national unemployment rate is lower than the average for the 1970s, 80s, and 90s.” [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 9/1/04]
Bush is Making Healthcare More Affordable
67. Cheney: “Our nation has the best healthcare in the world and President Bush is making it more affordable and accessible to all Americans.” [Cheney Remarks, 9/1/04]
Bush Destroyed Terrorist Training Camps in Afghanistan
68. Cheney: “In Afghanistan, the camps where terrorists trained to kill Americans have been shut down…” [Cheney Remarks, 9/1/04]
Kerry Said He Would Only Deploy Troops at the Directive of the UN
69. Cheney: “Senator Kerry began his political career by saying he would like to see our troops deployed ‘only at the directive of the United Nations.’” [Cheney Remarks, 9/1/04]
Kerry Opposes Reagan Defense Initiatives
70. Cheney: “During the 1980s, Senator Kerry opposed Ronald Reagan's major defense initiatives that brought victory in the Cold War.” [Cheney Remarks, 9/1/04]
Kerry Spoke of a More “Sensitive” War on Terror
71. Cheney: “He talks about leading a ‘more sensitive war on terror,’ as though Al Qaeda will be impressed with our softer side.” [Cheney Remarks, 9/1/04]
Kerry Foreign Policy is Designed To Please Critics
72. Cheney: “Senator Kerry denounces American action when other countries don't approve as if the whole object of our foreign policy were to please a few persistent critics.” [Cheney Remarks, 9/1/04]
Kerry Voted Against Body Armor for Troops
73. Cheney: “He voted against body armor, ammunition, fuel, spare parts, armored vehicles, extra pay for hardship duty, and support for military families.” [Cheney Remarks, 9/1/04]
Kerry Cut Intelligence Funding
74. Romney: If you want cuts in intelligence funding, then yes, send him. If you think that during the great national policy debate of the 1980’s Ronald Reagan was wrong and Ted Kennedy was right, then by all means send in John Kerry. Senator Kerry now tells us he has a clear position on the war on terror.” [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 9/1/04]
Bush Speaks Plainly and Means What He Says
75. Cheney: “George W. Bush is a man who speaks plainly and means what he says.” [Cheney Remarks, 9/1/04]
Kerry Voted For Tax Hikes 98 Times
76. Romney: “No, it’s John Kerry’s record in his nearly 40 years since Vietnam that’s the question. Study that record; if you want someone who voted for tax hikes 98 times, then yes, send him. [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 9/1/04]
77. Healey: “Why would he want to remind us that he voted 98 times for tax increases - or that he voted 126 times against tax cuts for American families, totaling more than 5.3 trillion dollars.” [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 9/01/04]
78. Healey: “John Kerry doesn't like to talk about serving as Michael Dukakis's lieutenant. And for good reason. Why would he want to remind voters of Dukakis' legacy of skyrocketing taxes, high unemployment and a plummeting economy?” [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 9/01/04]
Kerry Is The Most Liberal Senator Ever/ Out Of Touch
79. Healey: “The fact is, John Kerry can't win by telling us the truth. Because the truth is that John Kerry - and not Ted Kennedy - is the most liberal Senator in the United States.” [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 9/01/04]
Bush Has Strong Convictions/ Not Changing His Beliefs
80. Lingle: “He has turned our country around by following his strong convictions and doing what he believes is right, rather than changing his beliefs in response to the latest opinion poll.” [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 9/01/04]
AHPs Help Small Business
81. Lurita Doan: He's committed to making health care affordable for small business owners and their employees.
Bush Helped Reduce Bundling In Federal Contracts
82. Patricia Stout: This President laid out a strategy for reducing the size of government contracts so that small businesses would have a chance to compete.
Bush Allows Americans To Define Marriage
84. Santorum: George Bush has shown his compassion by… fighting to let the American people define marriage, not left-wing judges.
Kerry Doesn’t Stand His Ground
85. Romney: “He voted NO on Desert Storm in 1991 and YES on Desert Shield today. Then he voted NO on troop funding, just after he had voted YES. He’s campaigned against the war all year, but says he’d vote YES today. I don’t want Presidential leadership that comes in 57 varieties! I want a strong President who stands his ground.” [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 9/1/04]
Bush Ensured Quality Education
86. Chao: “He has opened doors of opportunity to millions of other Americans as well, by ensuring that quality education is available to everyone so that all Americans have the skills they need to compete in the 21st century economy.” [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 9/1/04]
Inherited Recession
87. Portman: “This President inherited an economy spiraling into recession, and already losing jobs in states like Ohio.” [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 9/1/04]We’re On Track For Economic Growth
88. Portman: “Yes, we have more work to do, but we are on track for economic growth.” [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 9/1/04]
Kerry Is An Isolationist
89. Portman: “This means opening foreign markets to the best goods and services in the world American products not retreating to economic isolationism that kills jobs!!” [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 9/1/04]
Kerry Ignores The Changing Economy
90. Portman: “This means giving workers the opportunity to build their skills to meet 21st century challenges, not false hope and empty promises that ignore the realities of a changing economy!!” [Remarks at the Republican National Convention, 9/1/04]
The Democrats Are Negative
91. Miller: “Now, while young Americans are dying in the sands of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan, our nation is being torn apart and made weaker because of the Democrat's manic obsession to bring down our Commander-in-Chief.” [Miller Remarks, 9/1/04]
The Democrats Are Politicizing The War
92. Miller: “Motivated more by partisan politics than by national security, today's Democratic leaders see America as an occupier, not a liberator.” [Miller Remarks, 9/1/04]
93. Miller: “But don't waste your breath telling that to the leaders of my party today. In their warped way of thinking America is the problem, not the solution.” [Miller Remarks, 9/1/04]
94. Miller: “They don't believe there is any real danger in the world except that which America brings upon itself through our clumsy and misguided foreign policy.” [Miller Remarks, 9/1/04]
Kerry Doesn’t Support Our Troops
95. Miller: “Together, Kennedy/Kerry have opposed the very weapons system that won the Cold War and that is now winning the War on Terror.” [Miller Remarks, 9/1/04]
96. Miller: “Listing all the weapon systems that Senator Kerry tried his best to shut down sounds like an auctioneer selling off our national security but Americans need to know the facts.” [Miller Remarks, 9/1/04]
97. Miller: “The B-1 bomber, that Senator Kerry opposed, dropped 40% of the bombs in the first six months of Operation Enduring Freedom.” [Miller Remarks, 9/1/04]
98. Miller: “The B-2 bomber, that Senator Kerry opposed, delivered air strikes against the Taliban in Afghanistan and Hussein's command post in Iraq.” [Miller Remarks, 9/1/04]
99. Miller: “The F-14A Tomcats, that Senator Kerry opposed, shot down Khadifi's Libyan MIGs over the Gulf of Sidra.” [Miller Remarks, 9/1/04]
100. Miller: “The modernized F-14D, that Senator Kerry opposed, delivered missile strikes against Tora Bora.” [Miller Remarks, 9/1/04]
101. Miller: “The Apache helicopter, that Senator Kerry opposed, took out those Republican Guard tanks in Kuwait in the Gulf War.” [Miller Remarks, 9/1/04]
102. Miller: “The F-15 Eagles, that Senator Kerry opposed, flew cover over our Nation's Capital and this very city after 9/11.”
103. Miller: “I could go on and on and on: Against the Patriot Missile that shot down Saddam Hussein's scud missiles over Israel…”[Miller Remarks, 9/1/04]
104. Miller: “…Against the Aegis air-defense cruiser…” [Miller Remarks, 9/1/04]
105. Miller: “…Against the Strategic Defense Initiative…” [Miller Remarks, 9/1/04]
106. Miller: “…Against the Trident missile, against, against, against. This is the man who wants to be the Commander in Chief of our U.S. Armed Forces? U.S. forces armed with what? Speeutbawlls [sic]?”[Miller Remarks, 9/1/04]
107. Miller: “Senator Kerry has made it clear that he would use military force only if approved by the United Nations. Kerry would let Paris decide when America needs defending. I want Bush to decide.” [Miller Remarks, 9/1/04]
108. Miller: “For more than twenty years, on every one of the great issues of freedom and security, John Kerry has been more wrong, more weak and more wobbly than any other national figure. As a war protestor, Kerry blamed our military.” [Miller Remarks, 9/1/04]
109. Miller: “John Kerry wants to re-fight yesterday's war. George Bush believes we have to fight today's war and be ready for tomorrow's challenges. George Bush is committed to providing the kind of forces it takes to root out terrorists.” [Miller Remarks, 9/1/04]
Kerry Will Weaken Our Military
110. Miller: “John Kerry, who says he doesn't like outsourcing, wants to outsource our national security. That's the most dangerous outsourcing of all. This politician wants to be leader of the free world.” [Miller Remarks, 9/1/04]
111. Miller: “As a Senator, he voted to weaken our military. And nothing shows that more sadly and more clearly than his vote this year to deny protective armor for our troops in harms way, far-away.” [Miller Remarks, 9/1/04]
Bush Has Fought Crime
112. Sandoval: “While working diligently to prevent terrorism, our Commander in Chief has remained equally dedicated to the important fight against domestic crime, and his strategy is succeeding.” [Sandoval Remarks, 9/1/04]
113. Sandoval: “From Project Safe Neighborhoods to the President's fight against identity theft, from his anti-drug strategy to his plan to eradicate gun crime in America, this President has demonstrated an ability to lead. And deliver results. Violent crime at a thirty-year low. Teen drug abuse is declining across a wide front. Federal gun prosecutions have hit record highs. For America to fulfill its promise as the land of opportunity, each of us must be safe from crime. President Bush has made great strides in making America safer.” [Sandoval Remarks, 9/1/04]
Kerry Does Not Support Welfare Reform/Faith-Based Initiatives
114. Santorum: John Kerry's response -- he joined Senate Democrats in blocking the President's welfare reform and faith-based initiatives. He says he's "concerned" about the separation of church and state.
Kerry Does Not Support Families
120. Santorum: Senator Kerry should worry more about the separation of children from their fathers.
Convention Day 4
Bush Had a Record of Achievement.
121. Pataki: “I want to help voters compare President Bush's record of achievement with Senator Kerry's. That way they'll be able to see the difference, which is that President Bush has a record of achievement.” [Remarks at Republican National Convention, 9/2/04]
Bush Inherited a Recession.
122. Pataki: “He inherited a recession, and then came September 11th. But George Bush said he would turn around the economy and create new jobs.” [Remarks at Republican National Convention, 9/2/04]
Bush Eased Taxes on all Americans.
123. Pataki: “He said he would cut taxes on the middle class, and ease the tax burden on all Americans.” [Remarks at Republican National Convention, 9/2/04]
Bush Said He Would Get Seniors Drug Coverage.
124. Pataki: “He'd help our seniors get the prescription drug coverage they need.” [Remarks at Republican National Convention, 9/2/04]
Pataki Distorted Kerry’s Record.
125. Pataki: “Senator Kerry, on the other hand well, what can we say of Senator Kerry? He was for the war and then he was against the war. Then he was for it but he wouldn't fund it. Then he'd fund it but he wasn't for it. He was for the Patriot Act until he was against it. Or was he against it until he was for it? I forget. He probably does too.” [Remarks at Republican National Convention, 9/2/04]
Pataki Blamed Clinton Administration for 9/11.
126. Pataki: You know the history. Osama bin Laden declared war on America -- and then came the attacks -- the first World Trade Center, the embassies, the USS Cole -- hundreds dead, thousands injured. How I wish the administration at that time, in those years had done something. How I wished they had moved to protect us -- But - they - didn't - do -it. [Remarks at Republican National Convention, 9/2/04]
Pataki Questioned Kerry’s Commitment to Perusing Terrorists.
127. Pataki: Where does Senator Kerry stand on all this? In Boston, he said that in the future “any attack would be met with a swift and certain response”. Well, respectfully Senator, that's not good enough. We've already been attacked, time and again. [Remarks at Republican National Convention, 9/2/04]
Pataki Distorted Kerry’s Comment on War.
128. Pataki: Senator Kerry says, “America should go to war not when it wants to go to war but when it has to go to war.” Well, Senator: the fire fighters and cops who ran into those burning towers and died on September 11th didn't want to go to war, they were heroes in a war they didn't even know existed. [Remarks at Republican National Convention, 9/2/04]
Franks Distorted Kerry’s Comments About Fighting War on Terrorism.
129. Franks: “Some argue that we should treat this war as a law enforcement issue. Some say we should fight a less aggressive war -- that we should retreat into a defensive posture and hope that the terrorists don't attack us again.” [Remarks at Republican National Convention, 9/2/04]
Other Countries Making Substantial Contributions
130. Franks: “Some have ridiculed the contributions made by our allies, but I can tell you that every contribution from every nation is important.” [Remarks at Republican National Convention, 9/2/04]
Martinez Said Bush’s Policies Helped All Americans.
131. Martinez: “Not only does President Bush believe in the American dream, but his policies are helping people across our country to realize their own American Dream.” [Mel Martinez, 9/2/04]
Martinez Said Kerry Wanted to Raise Taxes.
132. Martinez: “President Bush wants to cut taxes, and John Kerry wants to raise taxes.” [Mel Martinez, 9/2/04]
Martinez said Bush Provided Seniors with Affordable Prescription Drugs.
133. Martinez: “…I am extremely thankful to President Bush for his leadership in providing affordable drugs for our seniors. For years, our seniors have been promised a prescription drug benefit under Medicare, and those promises fell empty. Now because of President Bush, seniors are finally getting help with the cost of their prescription drugs.” [Mel Martinez, 9/2/04]
Bush Says Seniors Are Getting Immediate Help With Prescription Drugs.
134. Bush: “Now seniors are getting immediate help buying medicine. Soon every senior will be able to get prescription drug coverage, and nothing will hold us back.”
Bush Says Medical Liability Reform Will Make Health Care Cheaper.
135. Bush: “To make health care more affordable and accessible, we must pass medical liability reform now.”
Bush Says Will Keep Promise Of Social Security.
136. Bush: “We will always keep the promise of Social Security for our older workers.”
Bush Asserts Kerry Opposes Medicare Reform.
137. Bush: “My opponent's policies are dramatically different from ours. Senator Kerry opposed Medicare reform and health savings accounts.”
Bush Says Kerry Wants To Dilute Education Reforms.
138. Bush: “After supporting my education reforms, he now wants to dilute them.”
Bush Says Kerry Opposes Medical Liability Reform.
139. Bush: “He opposes legal and medical liability reform.”
Bush Says Kerry Opposes Marriage Penalty.
140. Bush: “He opposed reducing the marriage penalty, opposed doubling the child credit, and opposed lowering income taxes for all who pay them.”
Bush Lies About Cost of Kerry’s Programs.
141. Bush: “To be fair, there are some things my opponent is for he's proposed more than two trillion dollars in new federal spending so far, and that's a lot, even for a senator from Massachusetts. To pay for that spending, he is running on a platform of increasing taxes and that's the kind of promise a politician usually keeps.”
Bush Lies About Kerry Vote Funding Troops
142. Bush: “Again, my opponent and I have different approaches. I proposed, and the Congress overwhelmingly passed, 87 billion dollars in funding needed by our troops doing battle in Afghanistan and Iraq. My opponent and his running mate voted against this money for bullets, and fuel, and vehicles, and body armor. When asked to explain his vote, the Senator said, "I actually did vote for the 87 billion dollars before I voted against it." Then he said he was "proud" of that vote. Then, when pressed, he said it was a "complicated" matter. There is nothing complicated about supporting our troops in combat.”
Bush Lies About Kerry’s View of Coalition.
143. Bush: “In the midst of war, he has called America's allies, quote, a "coalition of the coerced and the bribed." That would be nations like Great Britain, Poland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Denmark, El Salvador, Australia, and others allies that deserve the respect of all Americans, not the scorn of a politician. I respect every soldier, from every country, who serves beside us in the hard work of history. America is grateful, and America will not forget.”