The media bias against Bush in favor of Kerry is indisputable these days. Any doubters can (1) compare the coverage regard Bush's service records in the Alabama National Guard vs. the coverage of the charges by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth; or (2) simply listen to Evan Thomas, Assistant Managing Editor of Newsweek.
There's one other base here, the media. Let's talk a little media bias here. The media, I think, wants Kerry to win and I think they're going to portray Kerry and Edwards I'm talking about the establishment media, not Fox. They're going to portray Kerry and Edwards as being young and dynamic and optimistic and there's going to be this glow about them, collective glow, the two of them, that's going to be worth maybe 15 points.
This morning I came across an interesting quote from an Opinion Journal article by Peggy Noonan, written in March of this year. She's giving counsel to the Bush campaign (for whom she has now taken a sabbatical to assist): I think this is quite insightful.
Don't make the country mad at John Kerry, make them laugh at John Kerry. And use wit not only for wit's sake but to make political and philosophical points. This year comedy's a cannon. It's the only thing right now that will break through the media wall.
Despite the best efforts of the media, Kerry has been hit--and hit hard--by the Bush campaign. And many of the punchs have landed. How have they done it? Not through stirring up hatred, but--in part--by effectively using humor to get their point across.
I think this points to a real difference between the two campaigns--indeed, between the two parties. Republicans these days are the Optimists. Perhaps it was the Reagan funeral and seeing all of those old clips of the Reagan Smile and the Reagan Twinkle. But whatever the reason, Republicans--by and large--are pretty happy. They don't hate Kerry. They actually find his flip flops and his yellow zipper pull rather amusing. Harmless--but effective--humor. But I'm afraid that the Democratic Party has become the Anger Party. And anger alone doesn't win elections.