Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Ethics Symposium on Torture

In his essay for our ethics symposium on torture, Albert Mohler, noting that the McCain Amendment will not be opposed by the White House, writes:

Nevertheless, public debate over the amendment – and the issues of coercion and torture – will not end with the conclusion of this political drama, nor should it. This is a vital issue of great moral consequence, and this debate should not be allowed to slip from public view. All citizens bear responsibility to be informed and engaged concerning this question.

If you have not yet read the essays in the symposium, you may want to start with Dr. Mohler's, which he has reprinted today as his Crosswalk column. On his blog he provides an overview of the symposium, along with an indication that he'll be commenting on the other essays.

Also, Joe Carter has now made available all of the essays in a printable Word file.