Saturday, January 07, 2006

Steamrollers Are Not Your Friend

Peggy Noonan explains some crucial lessons in light of the Abramoff scandal. First, regarding human nature and the nature of government, she writes:

The problem with government is that it is run by people, and people are flawed. They are not virtue machines. We are all of us, even the best of us, vulnerable to the call of the low: to greed, conceit, insensitivity, ruthlessness, the desire to show you're in control, in charge, in command.

If the problem with government is that it is run by people and not, as James Madison put it, angels, the problem with big government is that it is run by a lot of people who are not angels.

She then effectively compares government to a steamroller, writing:

...the anti-big-government party isn't supposed to be so good at it, so enmeshed in it. The antigovernment party isn't supposed to be so good at oiling the steamroller's parts and pushing its levers. And so happy doing the oiling and pushing.

It isn't good to love the steamroller. In the end it can roll right over you, and all you stand for, or stood for.

Is there a way for Republicans to go? Stop trying to fit in. Stop being another atom in the steel. It does no good trying to run a better steamroller. It won't work. Steamrollers are not your friend.

Meanwhile, World Magazine looks at Ralph Reed and asks whether his hands are a bit dirty with the money game as well.