Saturday, March 18, 2006

Systematic Theology

Here's a theology textbook that I didn't know about: Robert Duncan Culver's Systematic Theology, which comes with some nice reviews:

'Dr Culver is a veteran teacher in the classic evangelical and Reformed stream of Christian understanding, and this wide-ranging, well-directed, sharp-sighted textbook is his magnum opus. Within the group of recent conservative systematic theologies this one stands high as a demonstration of the biblical rationality of the Reformed faith.'

J. I. Packer, Professor, Regent College, Canada

'Culver's Systematic Theology is biblically grounded, edifying and thorough. As a theologian, he writes with the worshipful reverence of a Puritan, the stirring exhortation of a prophet, the logical precision of a philosopher, and the wise guidance of a pastor. His desire to ground all our theology in Scripture is obvious throughout.'

K. Erik Thoennes, Professor, Biola University, California

'Here is a bold, comprehensive, and faithful systematic theology. This work is based clearly upon a biblical foundation and is marked by genuine scholarship, doctrinal clarity, and historical insight. This new Systematic Theology should be warmly received by evangelical pastors, laypersons, and students.'

R. Albert Mohler Jr. President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kentucky