Friday, November 17, 2006

Driscoll Responds to His Critics

For those of you who have not been following the controversy, some people in the blog world have been upset with Mark Driscoll's blog post in the wake of the Ted Haggard scandal, misinterpreting him to be casting some of the blame at the feet of Mrs. Haggard. (You can read his original post here.) Folks like Scot McKnight reprinted an "open letter" from Rose Swetman, a Vineyard pastor who thinks that Driscoll's tone about women is "unhealthy, vitriolic, abrasive, unchristian, and uncharitable," and also implies that he is a "misogynist." She went on to call this and other statements "irresponsible," "patronizing," "insulting," "demeaning," and "bombastic." (Ever notice that the people who call for charity and a change in tone tend to sound pretty mean and use a lot of nasty labels?)

Protests have also been planned at Mars Hill Church, where Driscoll pastors.

Driscoll has now responded to the criticism about his Haggard post: Thank You, Critics. I'm thankful for his response, which is more mature and measured than I would have been able to offer in response to these attacks.