Thursday, October 11, 2007

"Communion with the Triune God": Now Available

I'm very happy to see that Westminster Bookstore is now carrying John Owen's Communion with the Triune God--for 34% off the retail price!

I can't remember whether or not I ever posted John Piper's endorsement of Owen's book. Here it is:
“Among English-speaking theologians and pastors, John Owen and Jonathan Edwards run neck and neck for the first place in profound, faithful, fruitful displays of the glory of God in the salvation of sinners. Not only that, they are both running for first among the ranks of those who show practically how that glory is experienced here and now. Owen may have the edge here. And Communion with the Triune God is his most extraordinary effort. No one else has laid open the paths of personal fellowship with the three persons of the Trinity the way Owen does. What an honor it would be to God if more of his children knew how to enjoy him the way Owen does.”
John Piper, Pastor for Preaching and Vision, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis
Westminster Bookstore has also posted the foreword (by Kevin Vanhoozer), the preface, and chapter 1 as a PDF.