Tuesday, September 26, 2006


British philosopher Roger Sructon scrutinizes the political rants of Noam Chomsky in this profile. Conclusion:

"Prof. Chomsky is an intelligent man. Not everything he says by way of criticizing his country is wrong. However, he is not valued for his truths but for his rage, which stokes the rage of his admirers. He feeds the self-righteousness of America's enemies, who feed the self-righteousness of Prof. Chomsky. And in the ensuing blaze everything is sacrificed, including the constructive criticism that America so much needs, and that America--unlike its enemies, Prof. Chomsky included--is prepared to listen to."

Also worth noting is his observation, as a Brit, that America is "the only country in the whole world that rewards those who denounce it with the honors and opportunities that make denouncing it into a rewarding way of life."